Privacy Policy

In this page the ways of website management are described with reference to the personal data treatment, who check it. It concerns a policy that is provided in accordance with art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 to users, that interact with webservices accessible electronically from the address:

The policy is provided only for the website in the object and not also for other websites possibly consulted by the user through link.

Owner of the treatment

Following the browsing of this website, the data related to identified or identifiable people can be treated. The owner of their treatment is D.R.M. S.r.l. with headquarter in Via Piva, 2 – 46025 Poggio Rusco (MN).

Place of data treatment

The following website is physically placed in hosting in Italy, in the European Union. The personal data of the users will be treated from authorized internal staff of DRM Srl and from external IT companies for assistance activities and maintenance, in the role of head of the treatment.

The owner could communicate the personal data on websites of Public Institutions or Public Authorities when requested by the Law or when it is necessary to protect his rights.

No data generated from the interaction with the website is spread.

Types of treated data

Navigation data

The IT Systems and the software procedures in charge of the functioning of this website gain, during their normal operation, some personal data, which transmission is implicit in the use of protocol of Internet communication.

It concerns information that have not been gathered to be associated to identified people, but that for their nature could, through drafting and association with data owned by third parties, allow to identify the users. In this data category, there are IP addresses or domain names of computer used from the users that connect with the website, the addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained by the answer, the number code showing the state of the answer given by the server (good end, error, ecc) and other benchmarks related to the operative system and the computing environment of the user. These data are used only to extract statistical information about the website use and to control the right functioning and are deleted immediately after the drafting. The data could not be used for assessment of responsibility in case of alleged IT crimes to damage the website.

Data provided willingly by the user

The user can, in the page “Contact us”, send a mail the company to ask information and explanations about D.R.M. product/services.

We inform the users that on the website specific categories like data suitable to reveal the racial and ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical views, trade union membership, data related to health and sexual life or biometric and genetic data will not be treated.

The users are invited not to send in their communication sensitive information mentioned above, besides data identifying third-parties (in this case it is better to use invented names).

Purpose of the treatment and legal basis

The data treatment is based on:

  1. the legitimate interest of tracking the functioning the website for efficiency and security purposes of the website itself;

  2. the legitimate interest of analysing the anonymous statistic drafting about the use of the website to optimize the services;

  3. the legitimate interest to process the spontaneous request from the user;

  4. the fulfilment of potential pre-contract negotiation encouraged by the interested person.

Optionality of providing data

Regardless of what is specified for the navigation data, the user is free to provide spontaneously personal data. A partial or damaged release of the data causes the impossibility to process fully or correctly what eventually request.

Cookies All the information related to the cookies are available in the published Cookie Policy, available on this website.

Transfer of the data outside the EU

The data are not transferred outside the Eu.

Data storage

The owner will treat the personal data for the necessary time to fulfil the purposes above mentioned and, in any case, not beyond 10 years from the end of the contractual relationship.

Rights of the interested persons

The interested person has the right to ask the owner the access to the data, the rectification, the cancellation of the data, the restriction of the treatment or to oppose to the data treatment, beside the right of data portabilty, as the established conditions from the art. 15,16,17,18,20,21 of UE Regulation 2016/679.

Moreover, the interested person has the right to revoke his approval in any moment without affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the approval given before the withdrawal.

Ultimately, the interested person has the right to propose a complaint to a Control Authority if he considers that the treatment concerning him violates the EU Regulation.

The requests are addressed to the owner of the treatment writing to:

D.R.M. S.r.l. reserves the right to update the following Privacy Policy to adapt it to the developing Law, as well as considering the suggestions trasmitted by workers, customers, partners and users.